Servicom Logo Rationale
Servicom logo symbolizes the company’s continuous commitment towards integrity, professionalism, and quality in delivering medical products and services for total customers’ satisfaction in healthcare industry.
Serving the Community
The name Servicom is a result of unifying the words service and community. The dot above the "i" in Servicom signifies unison/unity. The company believes that ultimately the products and services that it offers to medical professionals and healthcare industry will promote a better quality of life for community.
The Eye that Cares
The eye represents the people at Servicom. Their responsibility is to look after the community by providing the right medical products and expertise. Also, the eye signifies Servicom’s foresight into the future, both in research and development and adopting new technologies introduced to the world.
The Colors
Blue symbolizes Servicom’s uncompromised stance on integrity, professionalism, quality and service. The strong color denotes Servicom’s continuous and unwavering approach in servicing the medical fraternity for the last 20 years.
Pink portrays the compassion and care of the healthcare industry which Servicom holds in esteem when delivering products and services.
Grey reflects the way that Servicom views the healthcare industry whereby the industry is being perceived as an intertwining relationship that requires all its partners to collaborate in increasing the quality and level of healthcare in the world.
The Font used is Myriad roman and Myriad bold, signifying the bold and strong moves that Servicom is making in the healthcare industry.