
The Servicom culture is to build a strong and diverse 'family' which consists of people from different background, ethinicity, age, educational background and gender.  Our 'family' is bonded together with a strong sense of belonging and we work together to achieve the goals of the Company.

The one belief which is shared amongst all levels of employees within Servicom is the need to RESPECT one another.  There is an unwritten rule for each employee of Servicom to treat each other with respect regardless of neither their seniority nor ranking within the organisation.  The same belief is carried by each and every Servicom employee when dealing with our customers, suppliers, vendors, distributors, government agencies and all external parties.

Being in the medical services industry, we strive to show empathy to our customers - both external as well as internal.  For our external customers, we empathize with their situation and work together with them on providing service to the community in the medical industry.  As for our internal customers, who coincidently happen to be our own employees, our dealings interdepartmentally are held with care and respect.  The main objective would be to achieve our goals not only for the respective departments but for the Company as a whole.

'I'm proud and happy to be part of the Servicom family' - Sales Manager, Indonesia (This person has served and grown with the company  for 10 years)

'Servicom is a place where I have committed to help grow and which in turn allows and helps me to do likewise for myself.' - General Manager, Singapore (This person consider himself as part of an integral part of Servicom Singapore after 12 years of service)

'My work place has become my 2nd home as I feel very comfortable and at home in my working environment'- Finance Assistant, Malaysia (This person considers the Company as a second home after 11 years of service)